Warryn Fayard May 2018
• Summary:
In 2017 I conducted a VO2Max Test at the Human Performance Laboratory in Johannesburg. VO2 max is defined as the maximum amount of oxygen your body can utilize during exercise. It’s a combination of how much oxygen-rich blood your heart can pump, and the muscles efficiency in extracting and utilizing the oxygen.
Since oxygen is critical to running fast, your VO2 max is the single best measure of running fitness.
After crunching all the numbers and being impressed with what I had achieved, I was privileged to be offered 3 months’ worth of CELLFOOD® and CELLFOOD® Sport products from Oxygen for Life in order to test the benefits of taking these products and the efficacy for sports atheletes thereof. Along with the product; I worked on a running and cycling training program using my numbers gathered from the original test – and after 3 months to do the VO2Max Test again in order to compare the results.
In a space of a few months, on a very basic training program for running and cycling whilst consuming CELLFOOD® and CELLFOOD® Sport, my results improved drastically. All of my training zones, from Recovery to High Intensity zone, all improved greatly.
I believe that it was CELLFOOD® and CELLFOOD® Sport that resulted in the improvement in performance.
• Objective:
I love endurance sports, it’s my passion – and a thoroughly enjoy making time to cycle or run. I was very curious to see what results would come about whilst using Oxygen for Life products. I modified my training programme slightly in order to work on my figures that I collected from my original VO2Max test in November 2017 still only doing the following training:
• 1 Long cycle a week
• 1 Spinning session a week
• 1 Short fast run a week.
My goal was to see what difference my race times would be in the during the running and cycling races I compete in, so as to gauge the benefit of training with CELLFOOD® and CELLFOOD® Sport.
• VO2Max Test in November 2018 (with no CELLFOOD® or CELLFOOD® Sport):
A person’s VO2Max is 98% genetic, so one can expect to have a high, medium or low VO2Max and the likelihood of it changing much in your lifetime is extremely unlikely. In November I attended my first VO2Max Test with following highlighted results:
• VO2Max – 75 ml.kg.min ( intake in millilitres of oxygen per kilo, per min)
• Peak Treadmill Speed – 19 km/h
• Lactate Threshold (LT) Speed – 14.5 km/h
• LT Threshold as an % of speed – 76%
• Crossover speed – 7.5 km/h
• Peak HR – 191 bpm
• Crossover HR – 123 bpm
VO2 max is the maximum amount of oxygen your body can utilize during exercise. It’s a combination of how much oxygen-rich blood your heart can pump, and the muscles efficiency in extracting and utilizing the oxygen. Since oxygen is critical to running fast, your VO2 max is the single best measure of running fitness.
Crossover Point is the intensity, typically a percentage of VO2max, where fat and carbohydrate intersect with the energy from fat decreasing and the energy from carbohydrate increasing.
Lactate Threshold is the optimum rate at which the heart, lungs, and muscles can effectively use oxygen during exercise, used as a way of measuring a person's individual aerobic capacity.
• Training and Supplementation Programme:
- Supplementation:
CELLFOOD® (see link to each product below)
8 drops with water 2 x a day (morning after sleep & night before sleep)
Recommended standard daily dosage is actually 8 drops x 3 times per day.
This dosage can be increased prior to exertion for maximum effect.
Additional dosage can be added to the water drinking bottle in order to flood the system with additional oxygen whilst the body is under stress.
CELLFOOD® Sport - 20 drops with water 1 x day (in the morning after sleep)
- Training:
As mentioned, I stuck with my usual training programme for ease of comparison in order to measure my threshold speeds and heart rate and if I was training efficiently or not. It was all about maintaining the heart rate at a comfortable threshold, teamed with the best/fastest speed. Even though at times I felt like I almost slowed my speed down a little to accommodate my heart rate, but I trusted in balancing the two and using the product.
My long cycle training included a 80/90km cycle over a weekend, at fairly high intensities, but I never escalated my heart rate or max out my muscles for more power – just casual endurance rides.
Tuesday’s I would attend a time trial at my running club – usually with a 4km warmup then a 4km fast run on the route. Because of the short distances I was able to push my heart rate past threshold pointstimes began to tumble quickly. Until I decided to start doing to 8km time trial instead, even though it was intense running I had more time to analyse my heart rate, this is where I would keep my heart rate/speed at the lactate threshold. The facilitator at the Human Performance Lab instructed me to “train” on my thresholds, basically you can’t change your VO2Max, but you can change and train your thresholds, no need to always push past what your body can take – train on the thresholds for 2 very good reasons:
1. To make the thresholds last longer, the more you train them the longer they can last.
2. The more you train on thresholds, the more comfortable you get at those speeds/hear rates.
In short - that is all I really did, small adaptions to my usual training, with just the knowledge of how my body copes at what levels. And taking CELLFOOD® and CELLFOOD® Sport every day for 3 months. Very quickly I felt a considerable difference in my performance. Small solutions but with fantastic results
• Current VO2Max - April 2018:
The latest VO2Max test was conducted at the same lab along with the same facilitator from my original test in November 2017. The run didn't quite feel as intense as last time and once the test was completed after 26 minutes; the instructor quickly mentioned to me "very impressive results". All of my zones improved, yet my overall heart was slower or at least able to cope with much higher speeds. In the table below I have highlighted and compared my previous results to updated results: