Cell-Pet for Birds

Cell-Pet® is a registered blend of natural plant-sourced minerals, nutrients and electrolytes in ionic colloidal suspension, and proprietary elements that supply controlled nascent oxygen and hydrogen at cellular level. All ingredients are organic and totally non-toxic. They are cryogenically, not chemically, extracted to ensure maximum pureness and potency. No alcohol or glucose is used in the product. Cell-Pet® is also hypo-allergenic.

How Do I Give Cell-Pet To My Pets? 

Directions:: Establish the average amount of water your Pet drinks per day (Daily Water Intake). If other animals drink from the same bowl, establish average amount of water drunk by all of them. Use table below to calculate appropriate number of drops of Cell-Pet®, and mix into drinking water to super-energize it.

Daily Water Intake Cell-Pet to be administered as follows:

                  Days 1 & 2       Days 3 & 4    Days 5 & 6    Day 7 Onwards
250ml      1 drop               1 drop             2 drops          3 drops
500ml      1 drop               2 drops          2 drops          3 drops
1 litre        2 drops            3 drops          4 drops          6 drops 

Other Water: Remove all other drinking water.

Water Quality: If water contains impurities or chlorine, double Cell-Pet® drops to purify water. Ideally, mix appropriate Cell-Pet drops in water and let it stand overnight (or a few hours). Then, add same number of Cell-Pet® drops to water, and give it to your Pet.

Maintenance Application: When your Pet is very healthy, Cell-Pet® can be gradually reduced to the level as per Days 3 & 4. Never reduce below this level.

Undrunk Water:Each morning, discard any remaining undrunk water and make a new mixture for your Pet.

The benefits of using Cell-Pet® for Birds (formerly known as Cell-Chic®) :

• As a dynamic multi-action agent, Cell-Pet® for Birds is environmentally and ecologically safe for all types of birds.
• It has no detrimental side-effects for all birds:
• Strengthens systems, e.g. immune system
• Works fast and effectively
• Achieves sustainable results 

Other reasons for using Cell-Pet® for Birds (formerly known as Cell-Chic®) :

• Is cost-effective and easy to use

Due to the highly concentrated nature of Cell-Pet® for Birds the quantity of Cell-Pet® for Birds required is determined by the quantity of water consumed by the birds daily. The general ratio of Cell-Pet® for Birds to drinking water is 1:2,000 i.e. if the quantity of water consumed daily is 2 liters, one would add 1 ml of Cell-Pet® for Birds into 2 liters of drinking water.
See Product Brochure 

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