Cellfood Research

Research on athletes at the University of Pretoria’s Institute of Sports Research during 2001 showed that Cellfood:

Increased economy of movement during endurance performance 

A long-term research project, during 2000 and 2001, was conducted by biokineticists at the Sport Institute of the University of Pretoria, comparing the efficacy of Cellfood to a placebo.

Forty-five athletes were tested several times while taking either Cellfood or a placebo for periods of a month, and 92 variables were measured.

Results demonstrated the efficacy of Cellfood, especially for oxygenating the body. At the optimal dosage of 35 drops per day, some of the results were: 

Increased oxygen intake by the body. (V02 Max increased up to 5.0%).

Increased energy delivery to working muscles. (Optimal oxygen delivery achieved by the normalizing of all hematological values).

Increased iron stores within the body, critical for endurance events. (Ferritin levels increased up to 31.3%).

Delayed onset of fatigue; and reduced muscular cramps and recovery time. (Lactic acid accumulation decreased up to 15.0%).

Increased economy of movement during endurance performance. (Heart rate lowered up to 8.0%). 

According to the researchers, VO2 Max is the most well known measurement for oxygen intake, and is genetically determined, with exercise having little influence on increasing it. The researchers were amazed at how Cellfood increased VO2 Max by 5.0%, and said that they had never seen this occur with any other product tested at the Sport Institute. Furthermore, the 15.0% reduction in lactic acid accumulation was also considered to be very significant, and important for improving the performance of athletes.

This research shows clearly that Cellfood increases the oxygen content in the body, which results in significant energising and cleansing effects. 

Further local and international research has made use of Dark Field Microscopy, in which blood samples were tested under a powerful microscope. Blood samples from a range of subjects (those with degenerative diseases to top athletes), were taken for analysis. After initial analyses, the subjects started taking Cellfood and further blood samples were taken (from a few minutes to a few days later). 

This preliminary research has indicated that there are significant beneficial effects of increasing the cellular oxygenation and mineral content of the blood stream and the cells. Indications were: a reduction in the presence of fibrin and symplasts (pathological conditions), as well as endobiosis (a degenerative condition); and the clearing of the blood plasma, with an increase in beneficial somatids and lymphocytes. (Further clinical research is being undertaken in this regard). 

SURFACE TENSION STUDY by Dr Christopher Rulison Ph.D

In a recent study conducted at Augustine Scientific Research Center, USA, surface tension as a function of concentration for Cellfood in a glass of water was measured using a Kruss Processor Tensiometer K100 with automated dosing. 

The surface tension of ordinary tap water is approximately 73 mN/m (dynes/cm); whereas, the surface tension of extracellular body fluids is much lower at approximately 40 mN/m (dynes/cm). 

This low surface tension is critical to healthy cellular function, absorption of nutrients, and the removal of toxins. A higher liquid surface tension causes the surface to act like a stretched elastic membrane, inhibiting absorption while increasing molecular resistance. 

The surface tension of the tap water (control) was calculated to measure 72.8 mN/m (dynes/cm). Two separate controlled dilution experiments were conducted simultaneously; one as Cellfood drops per 8 oz. of water, and the second as %wt stock solution. 

The results were statically identical; in both tests, Cellfood was shown to reduce surface tension to 40 mN/m (dynes/cm), the same surface tension of extracellular body fluids. 

It was observed by this researcher and author, that using Avogardo's multiplication number of 6.02 x 1023 molecules/mole gives the value of 51 billion surface active molecules per square millimeter at the surface of a glass of water containing 8 drops of Cellfood. 

It was also noted regarding the molecular dimensions of Cellfood (4-7 nano-meters in size), that a standard molecular radius of gyration as (length)3/2, then your enzymes and amino acids could be expected to occupy between 43/2 = 8.0 sq. nano-meters, and 73/2 = 18.5 sq. nanometers each at the surface.

However, since a square nanometer = 1012 sq. nanometers, each of the 51 billion molecules at the surface has 19.6 sq. nanometers of free space - more than is necessary for complete rotation. 

An unfortunate but common necessity for manufacturers of nutritional supplements is to use a process known as denaturing (packing 3-5 times the amount of protein at a surface that a radius of gyration argument would follow) in order to assist with absorption. 

However, with regard to Cellfood, because of the specific hydrophobic residues and small molecule surfactants, Cellfood can pack in surface spaces up-wards of 50 to 100 times below its radius of gyration in water; and therefore denaturing is not necessary due to its amphipathic nature. 

This highly technical study demonstrates that because Cellfood reduces surface tension to that of extracellular body fluids, the nutrients in Cellfood are rapidly and totally absorbed by the cells.

It also assists in making other nutrients and preparations that are in the blood stream more “bio-available” to the cells.

For this reason, many health care practitioners recommend patients to take Cellfood in conjunction with prescribed preparations. 

Therefore, if you are taking any medicinal/nutritional preparation/supplement), its efficacy may be increased up to 5 times by taking Cellfood at the same time.

We, therefore, always recommend that those on prescribed medication should regularly consult with their medical practitioners and monitor their conditions; because, in many cases, medication can be reduced due to the higher absorbency rate caused by the activity of Cellfood on the cells. 

This study also shows that because reduced surface tension enables cells to more effectively eliminate waste and toxins, Cellfood is therefore also highly effective as a detoxifying agent and enhancer of cell functioning. 


Free Radical Clinical Study:

Dr Michael Coyle, conducted tests on six selected groups, each comprising 10 healthy subjects (screened from a base of 5,000 subjects), using a FRAS d-Rom (Diacron) system to measure reactive oxygen metabolites (free radicals) before and after taking Cellfood®. 

Dr Coyle reported: “Cellfood successfully and significantly reduced the oxidative stress (free radical) level in each of the 6 subject groups on average from 10% to 27%.

One of the particularly interesting notes was the pre-treatment measurement of free radical activity in the ‘athlete’ group, ages 18 – 30. The oxidative stress level (pre-treatment) was actually higher than both the other two groups (10% higher than smokers and 15% higher than obese subjects), suggesting that exercise (at least three times per week in this study) produces a much higher rate of free radicals in the blood; thus the additional need for that group to combat free radical activity and cellular damage.” 

Each subject continued their normal life-styles (sleep, food, drinks, etc.) during the 6 week study period, and consumed 8 drops of Cellfood® 3 times a day. Blood measurements were taken once weekly and their averages recorded. 

Of interest is that all free radical levels decreased: smokers by up to 12.6%; obese by up to 17.6%; and athletes by up to 27.5%; showing the beneficial effect of Cellfood® as a scavenger of free radicals. Cellfood® comprises 55% of Cellfood® SPORT. 

Dr Michael Coyle, “Free Radical Clinical Study”, Nu Science Corporation, CA, Sept 2002.

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